MUFON ORANGE COUNTY has a long history of hosting many of the worlds foremost experts in the UFO and Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Our photo gallery is but a cross-section of the fantastic variety of speakers we have been honored to present.

First Time Admittance to our Monthly Public Programs!

Book and Video Sales
Admission Ticket Drawings
Free Parking
$10 Members
$15 Non-members
Bring Your Friends!
(Offer subject to change)
MUFON OC public programs are held at
Costa Mesa Senior Center
695 West 19th St. Costa Mesa
7:40 - 10:15 PM
First Time Admittance to our Monthly Public Programs!

Book and Video Sales
Admission Ticket Drawings
Free Parking
$10 Members
$15 Non-members
Bring Your Friends!
(Offer subject to change)
MUFON OC public programs are held at
Costa Mesa Senior Center
695 West 19th St. Costa Mesa
7:40 - 10:15 PM