Many of our members and guests have asked if it is possible for them to have access to our past programs. Not all of our presentations have been recorded, but some have been, and we are building a library, the first elements of which are listed below. Additional programs, both recent and older, will be listed as we build the library. Any listed program can be rented/viewed at a charge of $7.50, payable by clicking on the "View" button adjacent to the listed program, which will take you to our secure payment processor, and upon payment with a credit or debit card you will be emailed a link to access the program with your internet browser. You can then view the recorded program at a time convenient to you. While the recordings are generally of high quality, in a few cases, the recording may have been started after the speaker introduction, and if there are any other unique aspects of a particular recording, an effort will be made to point them out in the description of the program below. You may not duplicate and/or post any of our recordings on any website or use the recording for any commercial purpose. Upon renting a program, any number of people in your household may view it, and you may view it more than once if you so desire. If at any time we find, or get notice, that this system is being abused or that are terms of use have been violated, you may be barred from any future rentals and we reserve the right to terminate this access to our past programs at any time. Following the list of video recordings, you will find a partial list of older programs and speakers for which we do not yet have recordings available.
In 2008, Caroline Cory founded Omnium Media, an entertainment and media platform which tackles thought-provoking topics on the human condition and the nature of reality, and she will be discussing the discoveries made during the production of the movie, "A Tear in the Sky," the process, technology, and challenges of undertaking a large-scale UFO investigation scientifically.
Andrew Radziewicz was serving in the US Coast Guard and had a life changing UFO encounter with 20 other witnesses, and has taken many UFO videos since.
Dr. Hein is the director of a research and teaching company, the Mount Baldy Institute, founded in 1997, to give people the opportunity to learn remote viewing. He also has taken people on crop circle tours in the UK. He has written several books prior to his latest book, including Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles and Resonance and Black Swan Ghosts: A sociologist encounters witnesses to unexplained aerial craft, occupants, and other multiverse elements (2017).
(This recording starts a few minutes after the program began)
Preston will be speaking about his recent book, Symmetry, which involves the conscious encounter experiences of Dolly Safran. Preston considers this to be the single most extensive account of ET contact he has ever investigated. Dolly's well illustrated story reveals her encounters with extraterrestrials and the truth about the UFO presence on our planet. Her story may change the way you think about at least some extraterrestrials and their agendalanet.

What is MUFON ORANGE COUNTY?MUFON ORANGE COUNTY (MUFON-OC) is the Orange County, CA, affiliate of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON International), which is one of the world’s largest and most reputable UFO scientific research organizations. It is a non-profit corporation with over 5,000 members worldwide and has been in existence since 1969. MUFON ORANGE COUNTY was established in 1995 and is a California non-profit public benefit corporation that presents monthly educational programs and engages in UFO-related research and investigations. Interested persons may join either MUFON-Orange County or MUFON International, or both, but membership in either does not constitute membership in the other.
What do we do?MUFON-OC is one of the most successful and pro-active affiliates of MUFON International, known for its monthly educational programs, research and investigation of UFO sightings and related phenomena. Only the highest scientific and research standards are utilized. Members of MUFON-OC are all volunteers, contributing their professional skills in many diverse fields such as engineering, physics, medicine, archeology, psychology and journalism, to name a few. Our Orange County members come from all walks of life, religious beliefs, age groups and professions, and share an interest in one or more of the areas of interest that comprise the UFO phenomenon.
What educational programs does MUFON OC offer?MUFON ORANGE COUNTY offers a monthly public program of the finest cutting-edge researchers and lecturers available in the UFO community. Check out our Past Speakers for a list of our previous presentations. Our goal is to provide a well rounded selection of public interest topics that are related to the UFO phenomena. Prices are $15 for the general public, $10 for MUFONOC members. Click here for free e-mail notification of Public Programs. Please include your name, address and email address.
What else does MUFON ORANGE COUNTY do?You can join at any of our monthly public programs or you can fill out the form on our Membership page and just mail it in. Membership provides a significant discount to the monthly public presentations and also helps support the ongoing efforts to solving the UFO mystery. Members are free to take an active or passive role in this effort. Special discounts are provided for students.
How can one contact MUFON ORANGE COUNTY?714-520-4UFO or 714-520-4836 E-mail: mufonoc@aol.com Mailing Address: MUFON ORANGE COUNTY 16835 Algonquin St. #248, Huntington Beach, CA 92649